WiSA announces their 2023 mentoring programme
Women in Scottish Aquaculture will launch their 2023 mentoring programme on 8th March 2023, and are now accepting applications from both potential mentors and mentees.
The 9-month scheme, delivered by Skillfluence, will match some of the most established industry leaders (both female and male) with women in the sector keen to develop and grow their careers.
Through one-to-one sessions, the mentoring programme will provide training and support for both mentees and mentors. Participants in the programme will meet over several months to build up skills such as creating a network, making career decisions, cultivating leadership styles, and building confidence.
We are looking for senior aquaculture professionals eager to make a difference, as well as younger women with a commitment to aquaculture who are looking to enhance their careers.
The programme is fully funded by SAIC, but requires a commitment from participants to actively engage with the programme.
For more information and application forms, click here to go to the WiSA webpage. Applications close on 17th February 2023.
New study highlights gender-gap and self-publishing among senior journal editors
A recent paper publish in Nature Human Behaviour highlights the gender-gap and propensity to self-publish among 81 000 editors of 1100 Elsevier journals. Editor-related data was retrieved algorithmically using Elsevier Article Retrieval API and used to compile a 50-year dataset of editor data.
Their study showed that 26% of authors in the dataset were women, and found even fewer women among editors (14%) and editors-in-chief (8%). Further analysis of the publication records of 20,000 editors found that 12% publish at least one-fifth, and 6% publish at least one-third, of their papers in the journal they edit.
Follow the links to read Nature’s report on the study and the study itself.
International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry closes down
WSI, the International Organization for Women in the Seafood Industry, has announced that it will be closing down after 6 years of working towards gender equality in the seafood industry. All publications and resources produced by WSI will remain available for any interested party on its website until the end of November 2023.