The IoA’s EDI committee meets monthly to discuss division-centred EDI issues, the implementation of EDI interventions, as well as the fulfilment of the Athena Swan Gender Charter. Committee members also act as points of contact and representatives for their staff/student groups.

Dr. Amina MossChair of the EDI Committee/ Lecturer
Dr. Margaret CrumlishProfessor
 Dr. Monica BetancorAssociate Professor/ Director of PGR
 Dr. Michael McGowanPost-doctoral representative
Dr. Meredith BurkePost-doctoral representative
 Dr. Sean MonaghanSenior lecturer
 Dr. Armin SturmSenior lecturer/ Director of TPG studies
Dr. Susan FitzerLecturer/ Director of Undergraduate Programme
 Fiona MuirSenior Technical Specialist
Graeme McWhinnieTechnical staff member
Deborah KeirAdministrative staff member
Amalia KrupandanPostgraduate research (PGR) representative
 Taniya SarkarTaught Postgraduate (TPG) representative
Jordan MillikenTaught Postgraduate (TPG) representative
Diana Garcia GomezTaught Postgraduate (TPG) representative

Here are the Terms of Reference for our EDI committee. Please read if you are interested in being a member.

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